Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Jury's Out

I don't have a feel so I'm not posting any charts. The market is in lala land and although I think we could continue higher tomorrow, I've been to the alter too many times with this animal to bet on it. I will have a better feel tomorrow. My gut feel though, is to short the hell out of any further strength in the financials. It may not be tomorrow, but soon.


Jim Driscoll said...

My bet is it cracks before mid-day is done. But it's liable to be an expensive bet, so I'll probably sit out too.

BTW - love the blog.

upsidetrader said...

hey jim

you may be very right

Unknown said...

I am sticking with Jessica Alba

About Me

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I am a former hedge fund manager, broker and capital markets dude who now trades for his own account. I love what I do. I will try to post some stocks and an occasional chart that looks attractive for entry.I will also try to point out the idiocy of conventional wisdom and the lack of value added by the mainstream financial media. These postings should not be viewed as recommendations.